Did you know... 71% of white-collar workers feel stressed about the amount of information they must process and act on while doing business; 60% feel overwhelmed. ~Institute of the Future, Menlo Park, CA Word vs. Excel In my experience of training and consulting on...
Keeping Resolutions, Changing Habits, Conquering Goals
Did you know... It takes 3 weeks to develop a new habit. For those of you who made New Year's Resolutions, we just passed January 21st. Following Through According to popular statistics, almost half of you reading this e-mail have made a New Year's Resolution this...
A Few of My Favorite Things…
Wishing you and your family the Christmas season's joys and wonders. Enjoy the holiday. Also, please enjoy the list of my "favorite things". When I speak to organizations, I am often asked to share about those items that seem to make my life easier and so I thought...
Being Prepared when Emergency Strikes
Did you know... September is National Preparedness Month, a nationwide effort to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, and schools. Being Prepared when Emergency Strikes Have a Kit: Water, one gallon of water...