A Tip on Setting and Using Boundaries

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season and blessed New Year! For my Christmas message, I wanted to share a passage of scripture and insight shared with me by a friend many months ago during a bit of a crisis. Considering the season, I thought it would be appropriate...

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Goal Setting & Goal Achieving

Did you know... Success psychologists say that 95% - 97% of the people in the world do NOT have written goals and fail, while 3-5% have written goals and succeed. --Taken from "A Study in Goal Setting", By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS A Tip on Achieving  the Goals You...

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More Research on Multitasking

One of my GO Graduates shared this article with me.  I couldn't resist passing it on to all of you. "Drop that Blackberry!  Multitasking may be harmful" - CNN.com Ever find yourself chatting via instant messaging while checking your e-mail and surfing the Web? Well,...

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More About Meetings

Did you know... Most professionals who meet on a regular basis admit to daydreaming (91%), missing meetings (96%) or missing parts of meetings (95%). A large percentage (73%) say they have brought other work to meetings and 39% say they have dozed during meetings. - A...

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Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Did you know... Most professionals attend a total of 61.8 meetings per month(1) and research indicates that over 50 percent of this meeting time is wasted.(2) 1. A network MCI Conferencing White Paper. Meetings in America: A study of trends, costs and attitudes toward...

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Word vs. Excel

Did you know... 71% of white-collar workers feel stressed about the amount of information they must process and act on while doing business; 60% feel overwhelmed. ~Institute of the Future, Menlo Park, CA  Word vs. Excel In my experience of training and consulting on...

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A Few of My Favorite Things…

Wishing you and your family the Christmas season's joys and wonders. Enjoy the holiday. Also, please enjoy the list of my "favorite things". When I speak to organizations, I am often asked to share about those items that seem to make my life easier and so I thought...

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